Does this picture conjure up longing memories of a warm day at an island beach? In fact, this picture could have been easily taken on a tropical beach.
This is Lake Ontario, yesterday. If only the water was clean and warm…
So February turned out not to be so cold after all. We broke records with 17.7 Celsius on February 23rd. Between writing projects and work, I spruced up February with an unexpected project.
When I was little I asked my mum for a rag doll but she gave up sewing it half way.
I never did get my rag doll. I didn’t plan on it but got a book from the library, which turned into a head scratcher. It lacked instructions on certain sewing stages so I have to put on my problem-solving cap and find a solution using the right side of my brain. I know I am a creative person and a good story teller but sewing a doll was a surprise in its entirety. You never know until you try it and I tried it.
This is my fortuitous fruition. A rag doll made from leftover scraps. The blonde is mine with her tube dress. Now my dear friend Lili’s handmade doll has a friend.
We’re chillin’.
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